It’s often the case that companies decide to take care of their winter gritting themselves. This is usually before the icy weather hits and it becomes evident how much of a complex task it can be. From forecasting to nominating responsible people for the task, it’s always better to outsource the tasks to ensure it gets done effectively and before any injuries occur. Here are our 5 top reasons why you should arrange your outsourced gritting solutions now!
Accurate weather forecasts
For most of you, you’re too busy to be constantly checking the weather forecast to make sure you’re gritting at the right times. Not sure if the 0.5℃ temperature will create a frost? Maybe the forecast has changed since you last checked it and there’s now ice on the surfaces surrounding your premises. Gritting contractors use the latest forecasting systems and it’s their job to keep up-to-date with forecast changes. This means you can focus on your work rather than being distracted by ensuring a safe environment in the icy weather.
Value for money
It may seem like a cheaper alternative to take care of winter maintenance internally. However, there’s the cost of equipment, materials and staff training to consider. All for a few months of the year. As well as this, equipment will need servicing, maintaining and more than likely repairing at some point. When you outsource your gritting services you pay a flat fee which enables you to budget effectively. Included in this flat fee you have an expert contractor with the best equipment and knowledge.
They protect you from injury claims
With icy surfaces often comes injury. Whether it’s a fall or a more complex incident, if it’s on your premises then chances are you will receive an injury claim from those involved. If you haven’t gritted properly, or at all, chances are you’ll end up paying out a hefty sum. External contractors are able to provide you with useful data to prove that everything was done to prevent injuries on your premises in the winter weather. They could be the difference between a huge sum of money leaving your account.
They have the latest equipment
Outsourcing to a gritting company means that you get the benefits of all of the latest equipment. This means your premises are gritted to the highest standards with top safety levels for those you’re responsible for. A company would struggle to justify spending out on cutting edge equipment, whereas for a gritting contractor it would be a great investment. If a company has multiple sites, the cost of course increases. Any good gritting company will have a range of equipment to ensure that your needs are met and your premises are safe.
They’re there when you can’t be
The majority of gritting companies will operate around an opt-out system in which they will come and grit when they know they need to unless you tell them otherwise. This takes the stress away from you and leaves you assured that your premises will be safe. So for a busy day where you have no time to check and arrange your own gritting, we’ll be there to ensure you’re all safe.
If you’re looking to outsource gritting in Lincolnshire, get in touch with Lincolnshire Gritters today
Call us on 07748 657302
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